Sunday, August 26, 2012

How to Grow Roses

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

The most effective way to make your garden grow and bloom is to learn how to plant and care for Roses. Roses can be expensive to both buy and grow, so making sure you have the right knowledge combined with the right tools is very important. Now that you've planted your roses, it's time to learn how to take care of them so they flourish.


  1. Spray to prevent fungal diseases and insects rather than trying to eradicate them after they appear. When insects do appear, follow label directions on all chemicals you use.
  2. Provide water. Using hose reel, A large rose bush may need as much as 10 gallons of water each week, but be careful if there is not adequate drainage. You should water overhead early in the day when the leaves have adequate time to dry before nightfall. This helps prevent black spot.
  3. Understand that once established, you should fertilize the plant with a 20-20-20 fertilizer every three weeks beginning at the end of May and continuing to August. And you should make sure the plant is well-watered before fertilizing.


  • A good watering system is very important for any garden and especially for Rose bushes which can be sensitive when watered overhead.


  • Don't forget to put your water hose away after watering your garden. Leaving a hose lying on the ground can be dangerous!

How to Choose the Right Roses for Your Garden

Roses are the flower of love, and every woman loves to receive them. They look great when grown in your home garden, they give off a scent like no other flower, and they come in an assortment of colors. Plant one color or plant many colors. No matter what your choice, your roses will enhance any garden.


  1. Decide on color. How will the color of your roses affect your garden? Look at different catalogs, as well as your neighbors' gardens, to get an idea of the colors you like best.
  2. Consider size. In addition to color, the size of the roses you choose is very important. Consider the height of your roses at full-growth. If the roses grow fifteen feet in height, will they look unattractive in your garden? Remember, the size of roses vary. While some roses may grow up until eight feet, other can grow up to twenty feet in height.
  3. Think about climate. In order for your roses to grow healthy and mature, they have to be adjusted to your climate. For example, if you live in an area where it snows six months out of the year, you'll want to make sure you purchase roses that can withstand cold temperatures.
  4. Consider maintenance. How much time are you willing to spend maintaining your roses? Do you live to be in the garden, or are you more of a low-maintenance type? There are several types of roses which are very high-maintenance. Although they will look beautiful in your garden, they will require a lot of your time. The classification known as "Modern Roses" are very beautiful, long blooming, and highly fragrant, however they are very high maintenance and are prone to disease.


  • If you're new to gardening and want to try your hand at growing roses, landscape roses may be your best option. These roses are easy to care for and disease-resistant. They'll look stunning just about anywhere. If your garden has trellises, you can add several climbing roses as well. Although climbing roses look very similar to landscape roses, climbing roses have been trained to grow upward like vines. They're a gorgeous touch to any home.


  • Roses need to be well watered during the hot summer months. Leaves should be sprayed with water to keep spider mites off. Organic anti-fungal should be used regularly. 

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit