Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to Make Your Room Look Bigger

Do you have a tiny room? Is there just enough space for your bed, nightstand/bureau, desk and maybe a chair? Here's a great way to enlarge the space and make it more functional:

Image:That Box Thing 6232.jpgSteps
  1. Rearrange furniture. Push a twin bed against the wall. Stand pillows against the wall to use as a couch during the day. Headboards and footboards are not always necessary. It is helpful to buy a loft bed to open up the room.
  2. Be multi-functional. Place your bureau next to the bed and use it as a nightstand. Use a kitchen chair as a nightstand. Hang your clothes, coat or purse on the back of the chair.
  3. Replace furniture.
    • Attach a small shelf, on the wall next to the bed, to use as a nightstand. Use a wall lamp rather than a table lamp.
    • Store tissue and an alarm clock in a small purse hung on a hook next to the bed. A nightstand may not be needed.
    • Attach a folding shelf, beneath a window, to use as a desk or ironing board. Place a towel over the board before ironing.
    • Use a stool instead of a chair. Store the stool in your closet when it's not in use.
    • Sit on the floor, use a floor cushion or study on the bed.
    • Find and use smaller pieces of furniture, such as a smaller bed.
  4. Add storage area. Clear the clutter. Keep only what you use.
    • Add shelves or hooks in the closet. Place small items in baskets or boxes on the shelves. A bureau may not be needed.
    • Add a hook to the back of your door for your coat and purse.
    • Elevate your bed. Use cardboard storage boxes beneath the bed. Add a bedskirt to cover everything.
  5. Add light and spaciousness.
    • Use light, pastel colors on the walls.
    • Hang a mirror so that it faces a bright window.
    • Use a maximum of two pictures throughout the room.
    • Use a valance curtain to keep an open view of the outdoors.
    • Try mini blinds to alter the intensity of light.
  6. Maintain your room. Make your bed and clean your room every day. Keep everything put in the right place.
  7. Buy a filing cabinet to hold loose papers and file important papers.
  8. ry adding some mirrors. That will give an illusion of a bigger room that looks like it`ll go on and on. Make sure the mirrors have thick glass, that way, they`ll help reflect more light in the room.


  • Read about feng-shui.
  • Use a laptop rather than a desktop computer.
  • Use mirrors. Mirrors can easily create the illusion of depth, especially if they're placed behind something. Rather than having a blatant mirror in the room, put it behind a fish tank, or somewhere where it reflects a focal point of the room to somewhat create the illusion of depth.
  • Make sure to not add so many things to the walls, they can overwhelm and make the room looked cluttered.

How to Grow Miniature Roses from Cuttings

Credit to:wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Miniature roses are small, fine-thorned species of roses, carrying all the characteristics of roses but in miniature. This article will explain how to grow miniature roses from cuttings.


  1. Experiment. Not all forms of miniature roses will take as cuttings, and unfortunately there is no foolproof list of which can be grown in this manner and which cannot. It depends on the soil, the climate, and the rose in question. So be prepared for some successes and some disappointments -- but do keep trying.
  2. Choose a healthy stem from the miniature rose from which you wish to propagate. Do this just after the flower has faded, and be sure that the stem has a minimum of three to four leaves.
  3. Remove the dead flower from the top. Do this by cutting just above the leaf closest to the dead flower.
  4. Make a bottom cut just below a leaf. Remove any excess dead leaves from the stem, ensure that at least three leaves remain on the stem. Dip the cutting in some honey; this helps protect the cutting from rotting, dying, or going moldy.
  5. Plant the cutting in a pre-prepared container already filled with free-draining mix. Gently pat into place and keep well-watered as it strikes. But make sure that the compost is not wet, as over-watering can kill the cutting; keep the cutting in moist compost.


  • Ensure that the item used to cut the stem is clean; clean it before use to avoid transferring any disease from other plants.
To encourage growth, you may want to place the cutting in a propagator or on a heat pad to create an environment where it will root faster and stronger.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden shears/snips
  • Gardening gloves
  • Pre-prepared container for planting

How to Grow Tomatoes Upside Down

Tomatoes are a sweet and delicious fruit from a very tolerant plant. Tomato plants are so popular to grow because they're easy and homegrown tomatoes always taste best. As a vine, they're also good for the gardener who has very little space. This article will tell you how to grow tomatoes hanging from the ceiling, although it could be adapted to suit a hanging basket, too.


Set up the hanger. Choose a sunny place indoors to hang the tomato plant's container. Your plant can be hung from a hook in the ceiling or tied around a beam––use what works for the space you've allotted.

  • If you're using a basket around the bottle, using string or twine, knot the basket to create hangers for attaching to the hooks or around the beams. Attach the basket to your ceiling or beam, ready for the adding the plant. When selecting the basket, choose one that will hold the upside-down milk or juice bottle that you'll be using without slipping out or toppling sideways. Be sure to check this before hanging the basket up! This step is prettier but optional, as you can also use the bottle direct (see below).
  • 2
    Select a small tomato plant. Plants bought or grown from seed are both fine choices. Water this plant well and set it to one side.

  • 3
    Take the large, clean plastic milk or juice bottle and cut off the base. Remove the lid. See the image for more details.

    • Tie string or twine to the edges of the cut end of the bottle for hanging. Punch out the holes using a hole puncher, or use a sharp tool to insert holes through which the string can pass. Knot the string in place with loops to attach to the hangers you've made. While the image shown later in this tutorial shows two holes, you may find three holes produces a better balance––experiment to see what works best.
  • 4
    Take the tomato plant out of its original pot. Gently set it upside down in the milk or juice bottle. Gently feed the plant through the pouring hole, so that the tomato plant is hanging out of the hole, with the roots still inside the bottle.

  • 5
    Fill the milk bottle with a mixture of good compost and garden soil. Then water it. (Now you see why the hanger was put up first - it's impossible to put the plant on a surface without covering it in soil or damaging the plant.) If using a basket, insert the bottle into the hanging basket for hanging; if not, simply hang the bottle direct to the hangers. You're now ready to begin growing your upside-down tomato plant.

  • 6
    Water your upside-down tomato plant regularly
  • . The easiest way to water is to purchase a plant watering bottle which contains a hooked tube that sucks up the water and delivers it via the hook into the top of the container; you simply hold up the bottle, tuck the hook over the top of the container and squeeze the water in. These can be purchased from garden and hardware stores.
    • Be aware that the water tends to dribble out of the neck of the bottle; this will gradually reduce as the root system develops.
    • Try putting another plant underneath your hanging tomato plant to catch the extra water that escapes, or place a container under the plant to catch the water and use it to water your other hanging tomato plants. Another option is to hang the plant where it doesn't matter as much where the water drips, such as on your balcony.

    • Your tomato plant will grow downwards, so hang it somewhere it won't be in the way of foot traffic, pets or anything else. (Definitely don't hang it over a fish tank or in front of the TV!)
    • Make sure the tomato plant gets plenty of sunshine, as sunlight is the key to dark, ripe tomatoes.
    • To adapt it to suit a hanging basket, cut a hole in the bottom of the basket liner and follow the above steps. Similarly, you can grow tomatoes in the style of a hanging basket by cutting off the bottom of a bottle and growing the tomato plant out of the top of it with the vines hanging over the edge.
    • Make sure the hook or beam is secure, as the plant can get quite heavy once it begins to fruit.


    • Don't overwater; any plant that receives too much water in an indoor environment risks mildew or damp-related disease.

    Things You'll Need

    • A large plastic milk or juice bottle, clean it well and dry before using
    • A young tomato plant
    • Compost and/or garden soil; choose a mix that's healthy for tomato plants
    • Trowel
    • Scissors/craft knife
    • String or twine
    • Hook in the ceiling (optional, if you have something else it can be hung from)