Tuesday, April 22, 2014




Baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) is an incredibly versatile cleaning agent. Use it in your kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms for a spotless, non-toxic clean. Not only will this keep the toxins out of your house, but it will save you money when you don’t have to pay for other, more expensive cleaning alternatives.

how to:

  1. 1
    If you have unpleasant odors wafting from your refrigerator or freezer, place a small opened box of baking soda in the unit. The baking soda will nullify the unpleasant odors. Experts recommend you replace the box every three months.
  2. 2
    To clean any surface with baking soda, including kitchen and bathroom counters, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth. It’s up to you how much baking soda you use – the more baking soda, the more paste-like your cleaning agent will be. Wipe your surface, and then rinse it with clean water.
  3. 3
    If you need to clean your silver, make a paste of three parts baking soda to one part water. Rub each silver piece with the paste, and then rinse them with warm water. Be sure to thoroughly dry each piece before storing them.
  4. 4
    If you have scuffmarks on a floor, including linoleum, wood, and tile floors, sprinkle baking soda over the scuff marks. Wipe the baking soda away with a warm, damp cloth.
  5. 5
    To help remove spills from carpet, blot the spill as much as possible. Then, sprinkle with baking soda and let it sit for at least five minutes. Vacuum the baking soda away.
  6. 6
    To clean your lawn furniture, use a paste of 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 quart warm water. Rub the paste on your furniture, then rinse it away with a water hose.
  7. 7
    If you like using baking soda as a cleaning product, consider buying in bulk to save even more money. Baking soda doesn’t spoil, so storing it for a long period of time will not weaken its cleaning power.

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